Child Parenting Skills

 Jawaban Permasalahan Seputar Balita dan Anak

Manohara Pinot, Potret Lemahnya Diplomatik Indonesia

Posted on Saturday, April 25, 2009
Ikut prihatin dengan apa yang terjadi dengan Manohara Pinot. Walaupun saya tidak mengenal dia, tapi miris juga melihat pemberitaan yang sangat gencar di media masa. Bagaimana seorang anak belia, dipersunting oleh sang pangeran dari negeri tetangga. Tapi tidak berakhir bahagia, karena sang pangeran berlaku kejam. Benarkah itu yang terjadi ? entahlah…

Pekerja wanita hilang, wanita dijualbelikan, pekerja wanita disiksa, pekerja wanita diperkosa, atau dipenjara, adalah berita yang tak pernah ada habisanya. Walau hamper semua berakhir tanpa solusi. Kehilangan satu orang atau ratus orang anak bangsa di negeri tetangga hanyalah setitik masalah di tengah lautan masalah di negeri ini. Tak perlu dibesar-besarkan, karena tak ada imbalan yang setimpal.

Bagaimanapun, Manohara adalah saudara kita, mari dukung dengan doa. Juga untuk Manohara-Manohara lain yang kini terpasung nasibnya di Negara tetangga manapun. Keadilan pasti akan tiba.

Do You Know?

Constructing Your Child's Healthy Sense of Self Esteem

Your child's self esteem is their mental foundation. A self-assured child is confident, secure, happy, well-adjusted and successful. They can solve problems that come their way, and it thrives under a loving parent's nurturing care.
What are some good ways to built self esteem in your child?

Most importantly, accept your child for who they are, and help them do the same. Teach your child that nobody is perfect, and that everyone makes mistakes. Show them how to learn and grow from their mistakes, and let them know that you also make mistakes. Children with high self esteem are able to take lessons from mistakes and apply them down the road. A child with low self esteem become frustrated and resort to self-depreciating behavior, such as calling themselves 'stupid' and vowing to 'never try that again.

Help your child discover their abilities and talents, and encourage outlets for them to build on and improve them. Praise a child not only for improvements in abilities and skills, but also for the traits they naturally possess.
Encourage your child to make positive choices. Open an honest dialog with your child and discuss the possibilities with them. Children who learn skills for making positive choices when they are younger are well-prepared for the tougher choices they have to make when they are older.

Ensure that you spend lots of quality time with your child, at least once a week. Whether you are shooting baskets or going out to grab a hamburger, take time to talk and keep in touch. If you find it difficult to squeeze in quality time during a hectic week, take the time to talk about things during the drive to school or while they are helping you put the groceries away.
Ikut prihatin dengan apa yang terjadi dengan Manohara Pinot. Walaupun saya tidak mengenal dia, tapi miris juga melihat pemberitaan yang sangat gencar di media masa. Bagaimana seorang anak belia, dipersunting oleh sang pangeran dari negeri tetangga. Tapi tidak berakhir bahagia, karena sang pangeran berlaku kejam. Benarkah itu yang terjadi ? entahlah…

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Manohara Pinot, Potret Lemahnya Diplomatik Indonesia

Ikut prihatin dengan apa yang terjadi dengan Manohara Pinot. Walaupun saya tidak mengenal dia, tapi miris juga melihat pemberitaan yang sangat gencar di media masa. Bagaimana seorang anak belia, dipersunting oleh sang pangeran dari negeri tetangga. Tapi tidak berakhir bahagia, karena sang pangeran berlaku kejam. Benarkah itu yang terjadi ? entahlah…

Pekerja wanita hilang, wanita dijualbelikan, pekerja wanita disiksa, pekerja wanita diperkosa, atau dipenjara, adalah berita yang tak pernah ada habisanya. Walau hamper semua berakhir tanpa solusi. Kehilangan satu orang atau ratus orang anak bangsa di negeri tetangga hanyalah setitik masalah di tengah lautan masalah di negeri ini. Tak perlu dibesar-besarkan, karena tak ada imbalan yang setimpal.

Bagaimanapun, Manohara adalah saudara kita, mari dukung dengan doa. Juga untuk Manohara-Manohara lain yang kini terpasung nasibnya di Negara tetangga manapun. Keadilan pasti akan tiba.

Do You Know?

Constructing Your Child's Healthy Sense of Self Esteem

Your child's self esteem is their mental foundation. A self-assured child is confident, secure, happy, well-adjusted and successful. They can solve problems that come their way, and it thrives under a loving parent's nurturing care.
What are some good ways to built self esteem in your child?

Most importantly, accept your child for who they are, and help them do the same. Teach your child that nobody is perfect, and that everyone makes mistakes. Show them how to learn and grow from their mistakes, and let them know that you also make mistakes. Children with high self esteem are able to take lessons from mistakes and apply them down the road. A child with low self esteem become frustrated and resort to self-depreciating behavior, such as calling themselves 'stupid' and vowing to 'never try that again.

Help your child discover their abilities and talents, and encourage outlets for them to build on and improve them. Praise a child not only for improvements in abilities and skills, but also for the traits they naturally possess.
Encourage your child to make positive choices. Open an honest dialog with your child and discuss the possibilities with them. Children who learn skills for making positive choices when they are younger are well-prepared for the tougher choices they have to make when they are older.

Ensure that you spend lots of quality time with your child, at least once a week. Whether you are shooting baskets or going out to grab a hamburger, take time to talk and keep in touch. If you find it difficult to squeeze in quality time during a hectic week, take the time to talk about things during the drive to school or while they are helping you put the groceries away.
Ikut prihatin dengan apa yang terjadi dengan Manohara Pinot. Walaupun saya tidak mengenal dia, tapi miris juga melihat pemberitaan yang sangat gencar di media masa. Bagaimana seorang anak belia, dipersunting oleh sang pangeran dari negeri tetangga. Tapi tidak berakhir bahagia, karena sang pangeran berlaku kejam. Benarkah itu yang terjadi ? entahlah…

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Posted on Saturday, April 25, 2009 |

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